Pathompol Suwanmongkol, FSN student batch 2018, for receiving the Graduate Research Scholarship in Agriculture and Agro-Industry from the Agricultural Research Development Agency.
Ramita Supasil and Wimonphan Chathiran, FSN students batch 2019, are the shared recipients of FSN Outstanding Academic Performance Scholarship. Milan Dhakal, FSN student batch 2020, has received the Mahidol Postgraduate Scholarship and FSN Monthly Stipend Support. Geeta Karki, FSN student batch 2020, has been awarded the Mahidol Postgraduate Scholarship.
Jirachaya Piseskul, FSN student batch 2020, who has received the scholarship for new Thai students of Academic Year 2020 from Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University. 💰👩🔬 The full-tuition scholarship “ทุนเฉลิมพระเกียรติ 60 ปี ครองราชสมบัติ” is awarded to new Thai students who have excellent academic background.
Ramita Supasil, FSN student batch 2019, for being awarded COVID-19 Relief Scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University 💰💐 Ramita is also the recipient of FSN Outstanding Academic Performance Scholarship for Academic Year 2020.
Sandhya Subedi, FSN student batch 2019, for receiving The Congeniality Award at Graduate Studies of Mahidol University Brand Ambassador contest 2020, which was held last September. 🎉👑🏆 Sandhya is the recipient of 2019 Mahidol Postgraduate Scholarship and Living Allowance Scholarship of Academic Year 2019.
Sochannet Chheng, FSN student batch 2019, has received scholarship to attend ASEAN in Today’s World 2021 (AsTW 2021) Online Program of Kyushu University, Japan. 🇯🇵🎉 The 2-week online international educational program will be held in March 2021. Sochannet is the recipient of Mahidol Postgraduate Scholarship 2019 and FSN Monthly Stipend Support.
Rizky Prihandari, FSN student batch 2019, received Thesis Partial Support Scholarship 2020 from Graduate Studies of Mahidol University Alumni Association. The grant is provided for her thesis research on microplastic contamination in commonly-consumed seaweeds. Rizky is the recipient of 2019 Mahidol Postgraduate Full Scholarship.
Wimonphan Chathiran, FSN student batch 2019, won Best Presentation Award at the 8th Academic Science and Technology Conference. Wimonphan presented a poster from her thesis research on novel method for reducing acrylamide in food fried in reused frying oil. Wimonphan is a shared recipient of FSN Outstanding Academic Performance Scholarship of Academic Year 2020.
Geeta Karki and Milan Dhakal, FSN students batch 2020, received Living Allowance Scholarship for Foreign Graduate Students at Mahidol University in Academic Year 2020. Both students also are the recipients of 2020 Mahidol Postgraduate Partial Scholarship.